EQUITY defended the right of the client to supply fuels and lubricants to PJSC "Ukrzaliznytsia"
July 27, 2016, EQUITY law firm successfully represented LLC "Trade Commodity" in the Higher Economic Court of Ukraine in a resonant dispute revolving around the tender for the supply of fuel and lubricants to PJSC "Ukrzaliznytsia" worth about 162 million UAH.
LLC "Trade Commodity" was the winner of the tender, but the performance of the contract was prohibited by the order of the Commercial Court of Kyiv of 23 May 2016 granting an inhunction in a case regarding challenge of the results of the auction by another participant of the auction - LLC "Miroil." That court order jeopardized regular rail transportation in the country, as the existing stock of fossil fuels had been almost exhausted, and new supplies were blocked by the court.
The Higher Economic Court of Ukraine supported the position of EQUITY lawyers about illegality of the injunctive court order and the necessity to cancel it. Thus, the court decision allowed PJSC "Ukrzaliznytsia" to continue purchasing fuel and lubricants from the winner of the tender - LLC "Trade Commodity."
The project was handled by the EQUITY team including partner Oleg Malinevskiy and associate Andriy Ivaniv.