EQUITY advises Zaporizhtransformator in its Disputes with Anti-Trust Authorities

EQUITY lawyers are successfully representing interests of Zaporizhtransformator PJSC and Zaporizkyi Zavod Nadpotuzhnykh Transformatoriv PJSC, in particular by supporting the administrative procedure of appeal and court actions to contest unlawful resolutions of bodies of the Anti-Monopoly Committee of Ukraine in regard to Zaporizhtransformator PJSC and Zaporizkyi Zavod Nadpotuzhnykh Transformatoriv PJSC.
In particular, subject of the appeal concerns unlawful resolutions of bodies of the Anti-Monopoly Committee of Ukraine on violation of the legislation in regard to Zaporizhtransformator PJSC and Zaporizkyi Zavod Nadpotuzhnykh Transformatoriv PJSC that directly prohibited the companies to take part in government tenders in the nearest three years.
Zaporizhtransformator PJSC ranks among TOP 10 of the largest transformers manufacturers with experience of supplies into 86 countries. Besides this, Zaporizhtransformator PJSC has today a 4% share in the world market of transformers manufacturing, being the largest plant in CIS and Europe with industrial capacity of 60 HVA concentrated in one manufacturing location.
A team of EQUITY lawyers under the supervision of partner Andriy Nikitin, involving senior lawyer Yevhen Filonenko, is working on the project.