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Maksym Halan. TOP-35 Under 30 Lawyers

What stereotypes about lawyers are false? Give examples and dispel them 

1st stereotype: «a lawyer knows all the laws» (hence «#you'realawyer»)

No matter how much your colleagues and others would like to see you that way, it is impossible to be a universal guide to all matters of law. A good lawyer will always be a specialist in one or more areas on which he/she works fruitfully and concentrates practical experience.

2nd stereotype: «lawyers are hyper-rational and emotionless»

It is a mistake to believe that lawyers work only with a cold mind. Sometimes, in order to find the right solution or argument, you need to get emotionally involved in the problem, to feel yourself on both the side of the client and the opponent. This helps to take a much broader view of the case, to understand non-obvious or hidden aspects.

What principles and ideas do you try to adhere to in your professional activities?

  • Transparency in communication.

It is important for me to communicate all prospects, opportunities and risks to the client in an open and accessible manner, ungarnished. The same principle applies to communication with colleagues and the team, because only with honesty can we build long-lasting and effective professional relationships.

  • Growth through new challenges.

It is impossible to reach new heights by working only with comfortable, familiar cases. Complex cases and a high level of opposition make a lawyer grow, so it is worth striving for such work conditions.

  • Individuality in approaches.

To achieve maximum results, each case requires treating it as a key case: we need to take into account all unique circumstances, adapt and improve the strategies we have already developed. This ensures high quality legal services.



Maksym Halan