EQUITY ranked among TOP-3 "The best KNU Employers 2023" and received a special award for opening a Сourtroom for students

EQUITY ranked in the TOP-3 of the youth rating "The best KNU Employers 2023" and received a special award "Partner in the development of professional skills of applicants" from Taras Shevchenko National University of Kyiv!
On Friday, an expanded meeting of the University Employers' Council was held at the Red Building of KNU, where the research of the Employment Department "The Best Employer" was presented.
The in-depth research presented the results of voting by 882 participants of all specialties.
According to the results of the voting, EQUITY was ranked 2nd place among law firms. And also received a special award for its contribution to the development of professional skills of students dedicated to the opening of the first in Ukraine Courtroom of the Institute of Law last year.
We are proud to be a reliable partner of one of the leading universities in Ukraine! We thank the Employment Department for the effective cooperation and the Taras Shevchenko National University of Kyiv for the opportunity to communicate and take care of the future generation of lawyers!