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EQUITY acted as the General Partner of the XII International Judicial Forum from Yurydychna Praktyka

EQUITY acted as the General Partner of the XII International Judicial Forum from Yurydychna Praktyka

On June 13-14, the XII International Judicial Forum was held by Yurydychna Praktyka under the General Partnership of EQUITY.

The forum began with a large open interview with the Supreme Court President Stanislav Kravchenko and partner at EQUITY Vyacheslav Krahlevych. The Supreme Court President spoke about the functioning of courts in times of war, analyzing in detail Article 26 of the Law of Ukraine on the Legal Regime of Martial Law, the priorities of digitalization of judicial proceedings, and ways to overcome the staffing crisis in the judicial system. The moderator and the speaker also discussed problematic aspects of disputes over compensation for damages from the russian federation and the state of the judicial system's work with compensation claims.

EQUITY’s partner Vyacheslav Krahlevych moderated the premiere session "New Vectors of Judicial Reform: Strategic Visions".

Together with representatives of the government, the judiciary and the legal community, the participants discussed strategic guidelines for the development of the justice system, expectations of international partners regarding the judicial system of Ukraine, prospects for establishing new courts, approaches to financial and logistical support of the judiciary, and options for overcoming the staffing crisis in the courts.

Denys Maslov, Chairman of the Verkhovna Rada Committee on Legal Policy, pointed out that in recent years the Parliament has adopted laws that change approaches to the formation of judicial governance bodies. Ruslan Sydorovych, Acting Chairman and Deputy Chairman of the High Qualification Commission of Judges of Ukraine, spoke about the judicial selection procedures.

Semen Khanin, Managing Partner at AMBER Law Firm, shared his view on what steps should be taken to improve the quality of justice from the perspective of an attorney. 

Bogdan Monich, Head of the Council of Judges of Ukraine, discussed the current challenges and priorities of the Council of Judges of Ukraine.

Maksym Pampura, Acting Head of the State Judicial Administration of Ukraine, spoke about the challenges in the area of financial and logistical support of courts. 

Viktor Dubovyk, Director General of the Legal Policy Directorate of the Office of the President of Ukraine, and Volodymyr Chaban, Judicial Reform Component Leader of the EU Project "Pravo-Justice", analyzed the European integration direction of changes in the judicial reform of Ukraine. 

ADER HABER partner Oleksandra Fedotova concluded the session with a report on the principles of good faith and reasonableness in judicial practice.

EQUITY's Counsel Andrii Ivaniv took part in the discussion during the second day of the International Judicial Forum in the 6th session dedicated to "Judicial Protection of Business".

"The current state of corporate legal relations is characterized by a steady percentage of conflict resolution in court cases. Accordingly, the Supreme Court continues to form a layer of corporate dispute practice," said the Counsel.

In his report "Corporate Dispute Resolution: Development of the Supreme Court's Practice", Andrii elaborated on the issues of dispute jurisdiction, corporate veil and its reverse disclosure.

The speaker focused on the need for careful compliance with the law and judicial practice in resolving tax disputes, citing examples from current case law that emphasize the importance of a systematic approach to tax cases. 

"Today, taking into account the changes in legislation, it is important to ensure the uniform application of the law in all tax disputes," emphasized the Counsel.

In addition, the speaker presented statistics on the resolution of tax disputes in Ukrainian courts. According to him, over the past three years, more than 1200 decisions of the courts of previous instances in tax cases have been reviewed, which indicates that about 60% of decisions remain unchanged, reflecting the high level of legal certainty in this area.

Andriy also gave examples of the Supreme Court's decisions, in particular in cases related to appealing tax assessment notices, which have a significant impact on the formation of the practice of lower courts and ensuring the unity of court practice.

Summarizing, the Counsel notes that "current trends in tax dispute resolution are aimed at ensuring legal certainty and predictability of decisions".

The presentation of the Counsel is available by the link.

We thank all the participants of the forum for the productive discussion and Yurydychna Praktyka for organizing a powerful platform for sharing experience!