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Viktoriia Kulakova gave a speech at the X International Forum for the Promotion of Legal Services

Viktoriia Kulakova gave a speech at the X International Forum for the Promotion of Legal Services

Viktoriia Kulakova, Senior PR and Marketing Manager at EQUITY, gave a speech at the X International Forum for the Promotion of Legal Services on the topic: "Technological transformation of the market: what tools make life easier for marketing and affect the effectiveness of internal and external communications".

Viktoriia shared her own experience in using various technologies that can simplify and automate the work of a marketer, and also talked about how artificial intelligence can be turned from an enemy into an assistant.
Commenting on internal communications, Victoria emphasized that digitalization cannot replace anything human: "For internal communications, I can only advise you to hear, see and speak. Hear what your employees want. See how they react to it. And to speak honestly, as it is, as this will increase employee loyalty."

In today's world, where competition in the legal services market is constantly growing, the importance of marketing and PR in the legal sector is becoming undeniable. Effective positioning and promotion of legal practice are becoming key factors in ensuring success and recognition among clients and colleagues, so today it is incredibly important and valuable to have a platform for discussions and improving your professional skills in this area.

We thank everyone who joined the discussion! We thank Yurydychna Praktyka for organizing such a powerful platform for discussion!