Tax terror or justice: how businesses are prosecuted for tax evasion
Author: Ilona Mylostyva, Maksym SaliySource: Sudovo-iurydychna hazetaEQUITY attorneys Maksym Saliy Counsel at EQUITY, and Ilona Mylostyva, Senior Associate at EQUITY, explore the complexities of criminal liability for tax evasion and the initiation of criminal proceedings without proper tax authority decisions in their latest article for Sudovo-iurydychna hazeta.
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Innovations in bankruptcy procedures
Author: Hlib TymofiiukSenior Associate at EQUITY, Hlib Tymofiiuk, provides an in-depth analysis of the latest amendments to the Code of Ukraine on Bankruptcy Procedures, which took effect in 2025, in his article for LIGA ZAKON.
Key sanctions risks for business in 2025
Author: Sergiy Kyrych, Bohdan PrachunSource: Yurydychna PraktykaEQUITY Counsel Sergiy Kyrych and EQUITY Junior Associate Bohdan Prachun in their article for the Yurydychna Praktyka reviewed the main sanctions risks for business in 2025
Trend line
Author: Oleh MalinevskyiSource: Yurydychna PraktykaOleh Malinevskyi, Managing Partner at EQUITY, highlighted the main trends in the legal market for the annual edition of the TOP-50 Law Firms of Ukraine by Yurydychna Praktyka Publishing House.
War, damage, and banks
Author: Oleh Malinevskyi, Dmytro TylipskiySource: Yurydychna PraktykaOleh Malinevskyi and Dmytro Tylipskiy analysed in detail the consequences of russian military aggression for the banking sector of Ukraine for the "TOP-50 Leading Law Firms of Ukraine 2025" by the publisher Yurydychna Praktyka
Maksym Halan. TOP-35 Under 30 Lawyers
Author: Maksym HalanSource: Yurydychna GazetaMaksym Halan, attorney at EQUITY, entered the TOP-35 under 30 lawyers and gave a comment to Yurydychna Gazeta!
The Role of the State in Compensation: from Monopoly to Efficiency
Author: Oleh MalinevskyiOleh Malinevskyi, Managing Partner at EQUITY, traditionally opened conference and delivered a special report «The Role of the State in Compensation: from Monopoly to Efficiency» at the III Conference on Compensation for Damage Caused by War.
How to choose a business partner. Cooperation with the aggressor. Consequences for business
Author: Ilona MylostyvaSource: BulletinIlona Mylostyva analysed in detail the risks and consequences of cooperation with the enemy and provided recommendations on choosing and verifying a business partner for the periodical Bulletin of the Ukrainian Advocates Association.
Legal business - 2024
Author: Oleh MalinevskyiSource: Yurydychna GazetaOleh Malinevskyi, Managing Partner of EQUITY, shared his forecasts on the development of the legal business in Ukraine
Administrative burden on business: impact of CMU Resolution No. 1165
Author: Sergiy KyrychSource: Yurydychna GazetaIn the article "Administrative burden of business: the impact of the CMU Resolution No. 1165", Sergiy Kyrych, Counsel at EQUITY, shared with the readers the algorithm of actions when getting the status of risky taxpayers, the terms of court appeal and their nuances, and how to prevent obtaining this status