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EQUITY team gets its client acquitted of all charges

EQUITY team gets its client acquitted of all charges

Attorneys of EQUITY defended interests of the client charged with abuse of power (part 2, article 364 of CCU) and forgery (part 2, article 366 of CCU). Under the indictment, the person holding at the time of commission of the crime the office of the director of the Kyiv branch of Urkderzhbudekspertyza state enterprise committed forgery and signed two positive conclusions of the state examination of preliminary consideration of cost estimating documentation of working projects. According to the prosecutor, such acts caused damage to the state interests in the amount of 16.6 mln hryvnas.

In spite of the expiry of the period of limitation for the incriminated actions, and understanding the possibility of getting the acquittal and the legality of the client’s actions, we made the decision to go all the way up to the end, and not compromise consciousness.

And the result lived up to our expectations! On November 16, the Shevchenkivskyi District Court of Kyiv acquitted the EQUITY client on all charges.

EQUITY partners Oleksandr Lysak and Taras Poshyvanyuk worked on the project.

We do not rest on our accomplishments but move further ahead!