EQUITY Lawyers defended client’s interests in a dispute with the National Bank of Ukraine

December 11, 2015, the District Administrative Court of Kyiv supported the position of LLC “Ukrainian business group”, a client of the law firm EQUITY, in a dispute with the National Bank of Ukraine. The dispute revolved around the report of the NBU, according to which RwS bank and its investor LLC “Ukrainian business group” did not fulfill their obligation to bring the performance of the bank in compliance with banking laws.
Disagreeing with the decision of the NBU, the client applied to EQUITY for the preparation of an effective rights protection concept.
EQUITY Lawyers, representing a client in court, further confirmed the correctness of the position of the forensic economic expert. Given the evidence presented the court has recognized the illegality of actions of the National Bank of Ukraine and cancelledthe negative report. This judgment is important because the law protects the bank in relation to the National Bank of Ukraine.
The client protection strategy was elaborated by the partner Sergiy Chuyev and associate Andriy Ivaniv.