EQUITY advises Ukrainian Business Group to move out the insolvent Onega-Bank PJSC from the market

EQUITY provides procedural support to move the insolvent Omega-Bank PJSC out of the market by establishing a transitional Perehidnyi RwS Bank PJSC invested by Ukrainian Business Group LLC.
EQUITY lawyers made a full valuation of the assets to be transferred to the transitional bank under the procedure of succession from the viewpoint of claim settlement and legal aspects of assets impairment. Due to consistent legal support RwS Bank made a foreclosure on two large objects of the mortgage property, namely Sofiiskyi Sports Center and Lybid Hotel.
In the framework of the given project EQUITY lawyers managed to successfully assert rights of the client in actually new court practice contesting a negative conclusion of NBU regarding the failure to bring the norms of capital and liquidity of the transitional RwS Bank into compliance with requirements of the banking laws.
A team of EQUITY lawyers under the supervision of partner Serhiy Chuyev, involving lawyer Andriy Ivanin, is working on the project.