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EQUITY Partner Speaks at Legal High School About Defence Tactics and Role of Accused in Trial

EQUITY Partner Speaks at Legal High School About Defence Tactics and Role of Accused in Trial

While teaching course “Court Defence: Trial and Retrial” within the partnership with the school of criminal practice Legal High School, Yaroslav Zeikan, an EQUITY partner answered all questions about defence tactics and participation of the accused in trial.

According to Yaroslav Pavlovych, despite certain drawbacks the current Criminal Procedure Code of Ukraine is a significant step forward for defense lawyers, with the inquisition process of the continental system of law being replaced in part with the competition process of the Anglo-American system of law.

Also, the maitre of criminal law referred to importance of examination in trial, shared with auditors of Legal High School its principles and stressed that it was prohibited to ask leading questions during the cross-examination.

The lecturer focused on such stage of the trial as defence lawyer’s speech and shared pieces of advice as to its preparation. Along the way, Yaroslav illustrated his statements with examples from his extensive attorney experience gained in high-profile court processes.

Thank you, Legal High School, for cooperation and organization of such wonderful event!