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EQUITY Counsel Speaks about Liability of Manager and Shareholders for Debts of Legal Entity in Bankruptcy Cases

EQUITY Counsel Speaks about Liability of Manager and Shareholders for Debts of Legal Entity in Bankruptcy Cases

Dmytro TylipskyiEQUITY counsel, spoke about the “Liability of the manager and shareholders for debts of a legal entity in bankruptcy cases” within the session Corporate bankruptcies at the 5th Forum on Restructuring and Bankruptcy.

Dmytro dwelt upon issues of introducing the institute of the solidary, joint and several liabilities of the debtor’s supervisor, analyzed the practice of the Supreme Court, and spoke about “alternative” compensation of damages inflicted on the debtor by actions of an executive body.

The presentation of Dmytro is available by the following link.

Thanks to all participants of the discussion for interesting reports and questions!