Acquittal of Ukrainian former Minister of Infrastructure!

On March 28, the Criminal Cassation Court of the Supreme Court upheld the acquittal of Volodymyr Omelyan, the former Minister of Infrastructure of Ukraine, a client of EQUITY!
Earlier, the High Anti-Corruption Court and Appeal Chamber of the High Anti-Corruption Court found Volodymyr Omelyan not guilty in connection with the lack of mandatory elements of the corpus delicti.
According to the Indictment from November 11.2020, Volodymyr Omelyan was accused of committing a crime under paragraph 2 of Article 211 of the Criminal Code of Ukraine.
This case is particularly important for both the legal community and society, because of several important issues:
- Firstly, judicial law enforcement practice is being formed (this is one of the first acquittals under Article 211 of the Criminal Code of Ukraine);
- Secondly, this is one of the first acquittals in the NABU case that "stood" in the Supreme Court;
- Thirdly, the acquittal in the case of Volodymyr Omelyan is an extremely important marker for managers hired by the state. The desire to implement reforms is not a criminal offense, and the state can stand up for those who want to change Ukraine for the better... unfortunately, this requires a lot of time and effort.
EQUITY team working on the case included partners Oleksandr Lysak and Taras Poshyvanyuk, counsel Rodion Kokosh and senior associate Maksym Saliy.
Case Number in Unified State Register of Court Decisions: 991/9129/20