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EQUITY Partners conducted LHS DH "Acquittal verdicts in Ukraine"

<span class="equity">EQUITY</span> Partners conducted LHS DH "Acquittal verdicts in Ukraine"

At the initiative of EQUITY Partners, within the framework of the School of Criminal Practice the LHS Discussion Hub "Acquittal verdicts in Ukraine" was conducted.

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<span class="equity">EQUITY</span>  is preparing for LHS DH "Acquittal verdicts in Ukraine"
PNG  ��� IHDR���������æ$���gAMA�� a��� cHRM��z&���������u0��`��:��pQ<���PLTE���'rg'rg'rg'rg'rg'rg'rg'rg'rg'rg'rg'rg'rg'rg'rg'rg&qe(qg'rg&qh+of'rg'rg'rg'rg'rg'rg'rg'rg'rg'rg `+uj$ma'rf'rg'rg'rg'rg'rg'rg'rg(qg'rg'rg'rg'rg'rg'rg'rg'rg'rg���>���4tRNS�dh XR@DX p&9WPk(M5ڳ`n���bKGD�H��� pHYs�� �� B(x���tIME 8P��IDATxYS9Q'120$&$mS5UC[.ZjsoD6����������������������������������������������������������mL%[inЖ�@pN� 8'�@pN� 84yP;j� �Z� �@�1 @��  �@�@L� � &@��� D�j!X^PK�ܑ�p4ۘ~(hJ�@�&0! !LH�ihH�@�&0!9֐�0pʎ- ^Hء�z"�@��b� �@�1 @��  �@�@L� � &`/8E޿Ns=(P�W5 `UyfV� U `BH@%�P�:#4T" M�3H@%�P�:#4T"k�eQ<[Pg�>E� s$lm_&5@��� �@�I�� �$�@��b� �@�1 @��y�ϋz q8=,.+2@aq� @g&J tF�iD�@�*@g&J tF�iT�O-b0e\�e{R( [ۗ#a `M�� �$�@��b� �@�1 @��  �@�cxg#6/_6v>b� �tâx�^e"@'P�S^�^ggW� ׏CW+L@� L@� L@� L@� L@� MCCo% 0^�MCCépH� @��FPX#a}9V� �@� J �@�&@��P� �@� J �@�&@��P�%b(O=)\�GeI�|S�7@*T"�@���p@%� �`@�@�׸,T"� `,8*�|m8=1p[b�>g} ^ 0>~k� +L�k� �p%� �@�� �@�� ��?UhHTA!$0 @��U�?] W<q_Û~fu7?!�B@pN� 8'�@pN� 8'6>���������������������������������������������������������� <Ť���%tEXtdate:create�2018-08-09T12:25:05+02:00ǫ����%tEXtdate:modify�2018-08-09T12:25:05+02:00ݚ���tEXtSoftware�www.inkscape.org<����IENDB`
EQUITY is preparing for LHS DH "Acquittal verdicts in Ukraine"

During the preparation for the LHS Discussion Hub "Acquittal verdicts in Ukraine" оne of our clients sent the following...

<span class="equity">EQUITY</span> acted as the General Partner of the 2nd BAU Judicial Forum
EQUITY acted as the General Partner of the 2nd BAU Judicial Forum

EQUITY together with the Ukrainian Bar Association held a large-scale event of the season - II AAA Judicial Forum

The Supreme Court once again supported the position of <span class="equity">EQUITY</span> defenders
The Supreme Court once again supported the position of EQUITY defenders

The Panel of Judges of the First Court Chamber of the Cassation Criminal Court of the Supreme Court affirmed the decision...

The School of Criminal Practice has started a new semester
PNG  ��� IHDR���������æ$���gAMA�� a��� cHRM��z&���������u0��`��:��pQ<���PLTE���'rg'rg'rg'rg'rg'rg'rg'rg'rg'rg'rg'rg'rg'rg'rg'rg&qe(qg'rg&qh+of'rg'rg'rg'rg'rg'rg'rg'rg'rg'rg `+uj$ma'rf'rg'rg'rg'rg'rg'rg'rg(qg'rg'rg'rg'rg'rg'rg'rg'rg'rg���>���4tRNS�dh XR@DX p&9WPk(M5ڳ`n���bKGD�H��� pHYs�� �� B(x���tIME 8P��IDATxYS9Q'120$&$mS5UC[.ZjsoD6����������������������������������������������������������mL%[inЖ�@pN� 8'�@pN� 84yP;j� �Z� �@�1 @��  �@�@L� � &@��� D�j!X^PK�ܑ�p4ۘ~(hJ�@�&0! !LH�ihH�@�&0!9֐�0pʎ- ^Hء�z"�@��b� �@�1 @��  �@�@L� � &`/8E޿Ns=(P�W5 `UyfV� U `BH@%�P�:#4T" M�3H@%�P�:#4T"k�eQ<[Pg�>E� s$lm_&5@��� �@�I�� �$�@��b� �@�1 @��y�ϋz q8=,.+2@aq� @g&J tF�iD�@�*@g&J tF�iT�O-b0e\�e{R( [ۗ#a `M�� �$�@��b� �@�1 @��  �@�cxg#6/_6v>b� �tâx�^e"@'P�S^�^ggW� ׏CW+L@� L@� L@� L@� L@� MCCo% 0^�MCCépH� @��FPX#a}9V� �@� J �@�&@��P� �@� J �@�&@��P�%b(O=)\�GeI�|S�7@*T"�@���p@%� �`@�@�׸,T"� `,8*�|m8=1p[b�>g} ^ 0>~k� +L�k� �p%� �@�� �@�� ��?UhHTA!$0 @��U�?] W<q_Û~fu7?!�B@pN� 8'�@pN� 8'6>���������������������������������������������������������� <Ť���%tEXtdate:create�2018-08-09T12:25:05+02:00ǫ����%tEXtdate:modify�2018-08-09T12:25:05+02:00ݚ���tEXtSoftware�www.inkscape.org<����IENDB`
The School of Criminal Practice has started a new semester

On February 18, 2019, Legal High School, an innovative educational platform, opened a new semester in the Criminal Practice...

<span class="equity">EQUITY</span> prevented an attempt at revising a lawful court decision
EQUITY prevented an attempt at revising a lawful court decision

The EQUITY team prevented an attempt at revising a lawful court decision in a case upon the claim by LLC “Frosby-M”,...

<span class="equity">EQUITY</span> successfully defended NBU in the Northern Appellate Commercial Court
EQUITY successfully defended NBU in the Northern Appellate Commercial Court

EQUITY succeeded in protection of interests of the Corporate non-state pension fund of the National bank of Ukraine in...

<span class="equity">EQUITY</span> has ensured protection of interests of PJSC «UkrInCom» / PJSC «UkrInBank»
EQUITY has ensured protection of interests of PJSC «UkrInCom» / PJSC «UkrInBank»

The EQUITY team ensured the protection of interests of the client and persuaded the Cassation Commercial Court to refer the matter...

<span class="equity">EQUITY</span>  presented projects of the AAU Court Practice Committee
EQUITY presented projects of the AAU Court Practice Committee

Oleg Malinevskiy, an EQUITY Partner and the Head of the Court Practice Committee of the Association of Advocates of Ukraine,...

<span class="equity">EQUITY</span> Attorneys Refute Alleged Involvement of Vasyl Khmeliuk in Assault
EQUITY Attorneys Refute Alleged Involvement of Vasyl Khmeliuk in Assault

According to the information available to the representatives of the victim, Vasyl Khmeliuk’s widow Alina Khmeliuk, Vasyl...

<span class="equity">EQUITY</span> Team Yet Again Successfully Protects Interests of Azovmash Group
EQUITY Team Yet Again Successfully Protects Interests of Azovmash Group

The Commercial Court of Cassation consisting of the Supreme Court closed the chapter on the need to proceed into liquidation...

Nonalternative Restraint Measure Chosen for the Suspect in Vasyl Khmeliuk’s Murder Case
Nonalternative Restraint Measure Chosen for the Suspect in Vasyl Khmeliuk’s Murder Case

The Kyiv Court of Appeal reversed the decision of a court of first instance and granted the prosecutor’s appeal according...

Appeals of Prosecution and Defense in Vasyl Khmeliuk’s Murder Case Scheduled for Court Session
Appeals of Prosecution and Defense in Vasyl Khmeliuk’s Murder Case Scheduled for Court Session

We draw attention of journalists and the public to the fact that the court session for consideration of the appeals of the prosecution...

EQUITY joins Celebration of 15th Anniversary of the Civil Code of Ukraine at Legal High School
EQUITY joins Celebration of 15th Anniversary of the Civil Code of Ukraine at Legal High School

Oleh Malinevskiy was privileged to take the floor at the solemn celebration of the 15th anniversary of the Civil Code of Ukraine...

<span class="equity">EQUITY</span> successfully contested legality of provisions of the Code of Gas Transmission System
EQUITY successfully contested legality of provisions of the Code of Gas Transmission System

The Sixth Administrative Court of Appeal passed a decision in favor of PJSC RWS Bank, whose interests are represented...